Jumat, 24 Mei 2013

Today is friday

taraaa,,,, hallo readers
naahh, di hari jum'at nya ternyata kami engga belajar lagi, jadi aku bingung banget waktu kamis malam, mau belajar, baca radikus, apa baca surah al-kahfi.
karena hari jum'at  itu ulangan geografi, mampus lah kalo ga belajar, materi nya banyak lagi, gurunya killer lagi, daannn ah sudahlah..
berhubung pelajaran is so important, okelah aku lebih milih belajar :| that so baaaaddddd

tau taunya apa, ternyata hari jum'at ini tadi engga belajar karena kakak kelas pengumuman kelulusan, dan ternyata kami engga jadi senam pagi. padahal jum'at ini giliran kelas kami untuk mempimpin senam,,
yasudahlah,gua terima aja kenyataan ini. gitu aja capek capek malamnya buat belajar geo.

dari pagi tuh, akunya lapar banget, soalnya aku engga breakfast, cus waktu nya tadi udah mepet banget pengen masukan, ternyata nyampe dikelas, engga belajar. its so damn!
dari awal datang ke sekolah, duduk dulu di depan kelas sama fantri, mariatul dan rahmah as. banyak lah yang diomongin, mulai dari masalah susu dan kebetulan aku nya bawa susu coklat, terus dilanjutin ngobrolin masalah pelajaran fisika, dan pelajaran fiqih.

nah pas aku masuk, ketemu sama si pitria, dan ngajain si pitria untuk nyabut jamur yang ada dimuka kelas,
jamur nya lucuuu banget warna item,
terus kata si murni itu jamur beracun, halah ga percaya,
dia ngomong kegini, kalo jamur beracun itu dipegang langsung kempes dianya, hah, unreasonable bangetttt x|
tapi, karena aku dan pitria jaga jaga juga, ngambil nya pake kertas, lalu ditaroh di meja aku,
udahan kan, dan aku reading againnnnn ...
lanjut baca buku radikus makankakus tersebut. tau taunya apa, sedang asyik-asyik nya baca buku, gue sangat lapar.
niatin pergi ke koperasi siswa (baca:kopsis) bareng pitria dan mawardah, dan akunya just buy some snack, oreo sama leo doang. udah itu doang. not anymore..

setelah itu kan aku kan makan makan snack yang aku beli tadi.. udah kelar belanja nya, aku lanjut baca lagi.
diluar heboh banget karena banyak temen aku bilang kain kafan kain kafan gajelas gitu, aku keluar sendiri mastiin, apakah ada penguburan massal di sekolah ku, ternyata tebakan ku salah.
itu kain putih dipasang di halaman muka kelas kami, iya bener karena halaman kelas kami itu mentok ke lapangan, jadi ditaro nya disitu. jadiiiii ntar itu si mas mba yang mau lulusan disuruh write a mind nya, ato write some wish di kain itu.
udah kan ribut diluar banyak mba mas yang nulis di kain itu, aku sih cuek aja, kemudian aku nyoret something di papan tulis. bukan, bukan ucapan perpisahan buat kakak kelas sih, tapi akunya nulis lirik lagu firework, haha kagak nyambung itu aku..

gaberapa lama ada pengumuman dari bapak aspiranto kalo kita kita dibolehin pulang, alhamdulillah.. pulanglah kami, and today is so ordinary. -__-

dengan modal minjem, LOL

Ceritanya, waktu hari sabtu yang lalu, beberapa siswa di sekolah kami diundang untuk mengikuti acara silaturahmi warga bakumpai di gedung balai antang..
jadi jam setengah 9 kami yang udah kepilih tadi kumpul di lapangan sekolah.
nah udah di tkp aku milih tempat duduk yang ternyata deketan sama Dinela dari kelas X5.. karena selera kami sama, yaitu sama sama suka stand up comedy, lalu kami cerita cerita tentang bang ge, lanjut ke kemal, terus lanjut nya ke raditya dika :3 sehingga acara yang kerasa lama banget itu jadi sangat sebentar doang, terus acaranya pake ada doorprize nya segala lagi, ngebosenin  :p

hah kok lanjutnya ke raditya dika, KOK BISAAAA !!!
karena waktu itu kami lagi bicarain bang ge di malam minggu miko, yang judulnya webcam bareng disty.. sumpah koplak.
jadi ngerambat deh ke bang radit.
nah kekoplakannya bang radit ini kami cerita cerita di malam minggu miko yang lain, yang judulnya pembacaan puisi silvia juga, haha kami ber2 sama dinela betah banget waktu itu
sampe ke karya nya, dia bilang "aku punya loh buku nya",
otomatis aku ngerespon lah " hah masa? beneran?" dengan mata yang berbinar-binar kegitu,
akhirnya aku pengen pinjem punya dinela, dan alhamdulillah dibolehin :)))

jadi,,,, hari rabu kemaren aku minjem buku sama Dinela... she is so better to me.. mau minjemin buku yang judulnya radikus makankakus, mungkin udah ada yang tau sebelumnya,
oke waktu hari rabu itu aku baru mau masuk kelas, dipanggil sama fantri (temen satu kelas aku) dia bilang : fat, jar dinela tadi mun kam handak meambil buku yang handak kam pinjam kemaren tu, datangi ja inya ke kelas jar fat, (yang artinya fat, kata dinela tadi kalo kamu mau ambil buku nya yang mau kamu pinjem, datengin aja dia ke kelas nya. katanya) sambil bicara pake bahasa banjar..
aku ngebales : oh iya iya, thank fan..
eh dianya nawarin
fantri : mau ditemanin kah fat?
aku : bolehh....

kami pun langsung pergi  ke kelas x5, dan ketemu dinela, dan dinela ngasih bukunya, dan I'am so EXCITEEEEEDDDDD xD
udah ah, aku buru buru ke kelas dan saat istirahat aku baca di kelas,,

nah di hari kamis tuh, ternyata kami engga belajar,, baiklah.. untungnya aku bawa buku radikus itu,, then aku baca.. tiba-tiba aku kebelet pengen buang air kecil, lalu aku dengan pitria go toilet, buku nya tadi aku taro di laci meja.. waktu balik, tau taunya apa?! ada raffi duduk di bangku aku, sambil baca buku radikus tersebut,.,
mampus lah dalam hatiku, tapi akunya engga shock panic gitu.. terus si raffi noleh ke aku,
raffi : ini apaan sih fat? dia nanya ke aku
aku : oh, itu buku, tapi banyak hal-hal absurd yang dialami oleh radit
raffi : radit itu siapa? (pertanyaan yang sangat absurd bangettttt
aku : ya manusia lah, emang kamu pikir dia siapa.
raffi : (diam seribu bahasa)

terus aku usir dia karena aku pengen lanjut baca, alhamdulillah dianya nurut.
lagi asik-asik nya baca tuh, dia ngerengek pengen baca lagi,, "udah dibilangin aku lagi baca, ntar aja napa" gerutu ku.. tapi karena wajah kasihannya itu, aku jadi engga tega, ntar kalo dia ngelapor ke ayah ibunya kegimana?! ah lupakan..
aku pinjemin kan bukunya tadi.
terus si raffi udah kelar bacanya, dilanjutin aku lagi yang baca, sampai jam 1 aku hanya menghabiskan waktu dengan keabsurdannya radit.

Kamis, 23 Mei 2013

Mocca - I Remember

I remember…The way you glanced at me, yes I remember 
I remember…When we caught a shooting star, yes I remember
I remember.. All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I 
I remember.. All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn

Do you remember..?
When we were dancing in the rain in that december 
And I remember..When my father thought you were a burglar 
I remember.. All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I 
I remember.. All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn

Yes I remember.. All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I 
I remember.. All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn

I remember.. The way you read your books,Yes I remember 
The way you tied your shoes,Yes I remember 
The cake you loved the most,Yes I remember
The way you drank you coffee,I remember 
The way you glanced at me, yes I remember 
When we caught a shooting star,Yes I remember 
When we were dancing in the rain in that december 
And the way you smile at me,Yes I remember

Mocca - Secret Admirer

Oh, secret admirer
When you're around the autumn feels like summer 
How come you're always messing up the weather? 
Just like you do to me..

My Silly admirer
How come you never send me bouquet of flowers?
It's whole lot better than disturbing my slumberIf 
You keep knocking at my door

Last night in my sleep
I dreamt of you riding on my counting sheep 
Oh how you're always bouncing 
Oh you look so annoying. (Please!)
Dear handsome admirer 
I always think that you're a very nice fellow 
But suddenly you make me feel so mellow 
Every time you say: "HELLO!"

And every time you look at me 
I wish you vanish and disappear into the air 
How come you keep on smiling? 
Oh! You look so annoying. (Not again!)

My secret admirer 
I never thought my heart could be so yearning 
Please tell me now why try to ignore me'
Cause I do miss you so

My silly admirer ('cause I do miss you so..) 
My handsome admirer ('cause I do miss you so..)
Dear secret admirer'
Cause I do miss you so

Mocca - Me and My Boyfriend

I’ve got a boyfriend now
He’s my dearest pal
He’ll always catch me when I fall
He’s always there when I call

I’ve got a boyfriend now
He always talks so loud
Even in a crowded house
He always shows what he got

I share my dreams and all my stories
I don’t think I need my diary
If you’re teasing me, don’t you worry?
I will keep you in my memories

When my boyfriend smiles
The world seems all mine
And all the days seems truly fine
Make me reach up for the sky

Me & my boyfriend now
We’re moving so slow
If you really want to know
Come on and join the show!

I share my dreams and all my stories
I don’t think I need my diary
If you’re teasing me, don’t you worry?
I will keep you in my memories

When I’m blue?. feel so lonely
No one sits here right beside me
I’m gonna call you just to hurry
Come and see me
It’s so scary and I need you desperately

I share my dreams and all my stories
I don’t think I need my diary
If you’re teasing me, don’t you worry?
I will keep you in my memories

I share my dreams and all my stories
I don’t think I need my diary
If you’re teasing me, don’t you worry?
I? will? keep? you? in?. my memories

I share my dreams and all my stories
I don’t think I need my diary
If you’re teasing me, don’t you worry?
I? will? keep? you? in?. my memories

Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013

Sunset in backyard

Assalamualaikum readers :)))
pada suka sunset engga ?? kalo suka sama kaya aku dong,
sunset tuh bagus banget loh kalo diamatin dalam dalam,

mulai 2 hari yang lalu, waktu magrib aku ke halaman belakang rumah ku, tau tau nya apa? beuhh aku liat sunset woyy, sumpah bagus banget ..
terus kemaren aku sempet moto sunset juga, kurang bagus sih, cumann lumayan lah moto sunset :p
sebenernya aku moto sunset kemaren itu banyak, cumannya yang bagus nya cuman 2, yang lainnya rusak gitu :3

sebenernya pict nya ga kegitu banget sih, agak terang, tapi karena efek camera, begitulah jadinya

Eminem - Stan

[Chorus: Dido]
My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I..
got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window..
and I can't see at all
And even if I could it'll all be gray,
but your picture on my wall
It reminds me, that it's not so bad,
it's not so bad..

[1st Chorus: volume gradually grows over raindrop background]
[2nd Chorus: full volume with beat right after "thunder" noise]

[Eminem as 'Stan']
Dear Slim, I wrote but you still ain't callin
I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom
I sent two letters back in autumn, you must not-a got 'em
There probably was a problem at the post office or somethin
Sometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I jot 'em
but anyways; fuck it, what's been up? Man how's your daughter?
My girlfriend's pregnant too, I'm bout to be a father
If I have a daughter, guess what I'ma call her?
I'ma name her Bonnie
I read about your Uncle Ronnie too I'm sorry
I had a friend kill himself over some bitch who didn't want him
I know you probably hear this everyday, but I'm your biggest fan
I even got the underground shit that you did with Skam
I got a room full of your posters and your pictures man
I like the shit you did with Rawkus too, that shit was fat
Anyways, I hope you get this man, hit me back,
just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fan
This is Stan

[Chorus: Dido]

[Eminem as 'Stan']
Dear Slim, you still ain't called or wrote, I hope you have a chance
I ain't mad - I just think it's FUCKED UP you don't answer fans
If you didn't wanna talk to me outside your concert
you didn't have to, but you coulda signed an autograph for Matthew
That's my little brother man, he's only six years old
We waited in the blistering cold for you,
four hours and you just said, "No."
That's pretty shitty man - you're like his fuckin idol
He wants to be just like you man, he likes you more than I do
I ain't that mad though, I just don't like bein lied to
Remember when we met in Denver - you said if I'd write you
you would write back - see I'm just like you in a way
I never knew my father neither;
he used to always cheat on my mom and beat her
I can relate to what you're saying in your songs
so when I have a shitty day, I drift away and put 'em on
cause I don't really got shit else so that shit helps when I'm depressed
I even got a tattoo of your name across the chest
Sometimes I even cut myself to see how much it bleeds
It's like adrenaline, the pain is such a sudden rush for me
See everything you say is real, and I respect you cause you tell it
My girlfriend's jealous cause I talk about you 24/7
But she don't know you like I know you Slim, no one does
She don't know what it was like for people like us growin up
You gotta call me man, I'll be the biggest fan you'll ever lose
Sincerely yours, Stan -- P.S.
We should be together too

[Chorus: Dido]

[Eminem as 'Stan']
Dear Mister-I'm-Too-Good-To-Call-Or-Write-My-Fans,
this'll be the last package I ever send your ass
It's been six months and still no word - I don't deserve it?
I know you got my last two letters;
I wrote the addresses on 'em perfect
So this is my cassette I'm sending you, I hope you hear it
I'm in the car right now, I'm doing 90 on the freeway
Hey Slim, I drank a fifth of vodka, you dare me to drive?
You know the song by Phil Collins, "In the Air of the Night"
about that guy who coulda saved that other guy from drowning
but didn't, then Phil saw it all, then at a a show he found him?
That's kinda how this is, you coulda rescued me from drowning
Now it's too late - I'm on a 1000 downers now, I'm drowsy
and all I wanted was a lousy letter or a call
I hope you know I ripped +ALL+ of your pictures off the wall
I love you Slim, we coulda been together, think about it
You ruined it now, I hope you can't sleep and you dream about it
And when you dream I hope you can't sleep and you SCREAM about it
I hope your conscience EATS AT YOU and you can't BREATHE without me
See Slim; [*screaming*] Shut up bitch! I'm tryin to talk!
Hey Slim, that's my girlfriend screamin in the trunk
but I didn't slit her throat, I just tied her up, see I ain't like you
cause if she suffocates she'll suffer more, and then she'll die too
Well, gotta go, I'm almost at the bridge now
Oh shit, I forgot, how'm I supposed to send this shit out?
[car tires squeal] [CRASH]
.. [brief silence] .. [LOUD splash]

[Chorus: Dido]

Dear Stan, I meant to write you sooner but I just been busy
You said your girlfriend's pregnant now, how far along is she?
Look, I'm really flattered you would call your daughter that
and here's an autograph for your brother,
I wrote it on the Starter cap
I'm sorry I didn't see you at the show, I musta missed you
Don't think I did that shit intentionally just to diss you
But what's this shit you said about you like to cut your wrists too?
I say that shit just clownin dogg,
c'mon - how fucked up is you?
You got some issues Stan, I think you need some counseling
to help your ass from bouncing off the walls when you get down some
And what's this shit about us meant to be together?
That type of shit'll make me not want us to meet each other
I really think you and your girlfriend need each other
or maybe you just need to treat her better
I hope you get to read this letter, I just hope it reaches you in time
before you hurt yourself, I think that you'll be doin just fine
if you relax a little, I'm glad I inspire you but Stan
why are you so mad? Try to understand, that I do want you as a fan
I just don't want you to do some crazy shit
I seen this one shit on the news a couple weeks ago that made me sick
Some dude was drunk and drove his car over a bridge
and had his girlfriend in the trunk, and she was pregnant with his kid
and in the car they found a tape, but they didn't say who it was to
Come to think about, his name was.. it was you

Ringtone paling serem sejagad raya

Assalamualaikum readers, how are you today? I hope fine fine saja :)
sesuai dengan title nya, menyangkut masalah ringtone, tau aja kan ringtone itu apa? dan kagak usah gue jelasin disini, skip~
maybe kalian pasti pernah nge save ringtone yang aku bilang aneh, lebay, horror di handphone kalian. susah ya, gimana kalian bisa nebak gitu, ringtone kan banyak. gimana caranya aku ngasih tau ringtone nya ya, agak susah sih emang.
yaudah aku deskripsiin aja dah
itu ringtone udah ngebooming waktu aku masih sd dulu, kalo gasalah sih. bunyi nya kegini, ada anak kecil tapinya bayi itu ketawa ngakak gitu, cuman ketawanya itu ada beat nya. udah bisa bayangin belum ? kalo engga bisa harus bisa :p naahh ending nya itu si bayi ngakak nya lebih kenceng dan ngena banget disitu. nah udah kan..
aku bisa dapet itu ringtone dari temen aku dulu, biasa lahhh namanya juga anak kecil suka barter barter gitu dulu, nah aku dulu engga ngerasa afraid banget ya kalo ngedenger itu, malah akunya pengen ketawaaaa terus, pokoknya bawaannya pengen ketawa gitu lah, selanjutnya ringtone tadi aku jadiin nada dering buat sms gitu kan. kagak tau kapan, persisnya waktu ada sms masuk ke handphone aku bunyilah ringtone tadi, mama aku ngomong kegini : ih suaranya kaya hantu. terus aku bilang : itu anak bayi loh ma yang ketawa gitu, lucu ga? lucu kan ma coba deh dengerin lagi. aku mau nge play ringtone tadi, eh keburu si mama nolak. oke fine, keinginan yang tidak terlaksana :|

skip dulu ya,,
dari aku sd, sampe aku sma gini, ternyata itu ringtone masih ada aja yang punya..
dunno why? waktu aku dari sebelah rumah mau masuk ke dalam rumah, malam malam nih ceritanya, sekitar jam setengah 9 sih kalo engga salah, tau taunya apa, ada handphone anak buah bapak aku itu bunyi, sumpah aku terkejut banget waktu itu, habis itu aku langsung lari, mana sepi lagi kan, aku lari terus masuk kamar dan gaberani keluar lagi, cukup membuat saya shock waktu itu...
sampe sekarang aku yakin kalo ringtone itu tuh bukan ringtone lucu. :p